Our Devil’s Trap Folding umbrella is the perfect gift for any Supernatural fan! Want to make sure your friend isn’t a demon? Offer to share your umbrella! The customized Devil’s Trap design was created by Yellow Rose Designs’ owner and artist, Kat, after carefully studying both the history and design of the Devil’s Traps used on Supernatural.
The design combines the heptagram from the Grand Pentacle with the scorpion of the 5th Pentacle of Mars from the Key of Solomon (c. 16th century). From TKOS, “It is terrible unto the Demons, and at its sight and aspect they will obey thee, for they cannot resist its presence.” The design is my own interpretation of the Pentacles. The scorpion in the center is the outline of my own tattoo. The outer ring reads, “Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet.” The letters within the Pentacle are the 12 signs of the zodiac; representation of the 4 basic elements, earth, air, fire and water; the 4 seasons; the three primes, mercury, salt and sulfur; as well as elemental signs for silver, purify, solve, essence and spirit.